What will be the problem you plan to solve with AI? - LEE YANG QING (TP071206)

 What will be the problem you plan to solve with AI?

As people continue to explore unknown technologies and aspire to the future, the technologies started in the 20th century have seen rapid progress in our eyes. One of the many challenges that humans have encountered while researching is how to use AI to solve some of the complex and traditional technological problems that humans have long solved, AL has in fact become more and more powerful, from optimizing healthcare to strengthening cybersecurity issues, AI can be solved to the point of being very effective.

In my program, I think that education accessibility is the most suitable topic for me to solve with AI which will bring us huge benefits. How it could be done? AI algorithms can provide personalized learning to students by analysing student’s learning styles, preferences, and performance data. This customization helps the students learn at their own pace and can suit their personal needs so that overall comprehension and retention will be increased in an easier way (Administrator, 2023).

Apart from that, AI can also provide better healthcare management to people who facing healthcare problems. AI models can analyze health records(EHRs), and other health care data such as X-rays, MRIs and so on to predict disease risk, patient outcomes and optimal treatment strategies. This enables proactive intervention and personalized medicine approaches which can greatly decrease the failure rate diagnosed by doctors (Barth, 2023).

In a nutshell, the integration of AI and modern technologies indeed doing its best to maximize the optimization of the complex challenges in both education accessibility and healthcare management. Of course, when we continue to utilise the power of AI technologies, it is a must to prioritize equity, inclusivity and ethical consideration to ensure the convenience of technologies are accessible to society in the world.

AI in educcation accessible(Maghsudi et al., 2021)

AI in healthcare(Gordon, 2023)


1. Administrator. (2023, September 28). 43 Examples of artificial intelligence in education. University of San Diego Online Degrees. https://onlinedegrees.sandiego.edu/artificial-intelligence-education/

2. Barth, S. (2023, April 14). AI in Healthcare. ForeSee Medicalhttps://www.foreseemed.com/artificial-intelligence-in-healthcare

3. Maghsudi, S., Lan, A. S., Xu, J., & Van Der Schaar, M. (2021). Personalized education in the Artificial intelligence era: What to expect nexthttps://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Personalized-Education-in-the-Artificial-Era%3A-What-Maghsudi-Lan/c14d6010b840639709f0502ef988d4579af2efd8

4. Gordon, C. (2023, October 5). AI in HealthCare is making our world healthier. Forbeshttps://www.forbes.com/sites/cindygordon/2022/10/31/ai-in-healthcare-is-making-our-world-healthier/?sh=6bc986913ea9


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